Zipper Pulls for Your Backpack

Zippers are a huge part of our everyday life, so much so that we probably take them for granted. But, that’s a mistake. Because when zipper pulls break, it can be a major inconvenience for those who use that specific item. Luckily, replacement zipper sliders and zipper pulls are available for just about every type of zipper out there, allowing users to easily repair their clothing, jackets, bags, and tents. They’re also great for sewing professionals to keep on hand for those unexpected zipper repair projects.

Whether you need to replace your current zipper tabs or are just looking to add some flash to your favorite piece of gear, these zipper pulls come in a variety of bright colors that will make zipping your bag, jacket, or other item easy and enjoyable. You can even customize them to match your outfit or show off your organization’s logo!

For businesses, personalized zipper pulls are an excellent way to recognize employee performance. They can be a great addition to whatever monetary incentives your business offers, and they’ll ensure that employees are always promoting your brand whenever they use their gear.

Zipper pulls can also be an excellent incentive for students to stay on top of their academic game. Providing students who maintain Honor Roll with a zipper pull they can attach to their backpacks will encourage them to keep up the good work throughout the year, and it’ll be a highly sought-after memento of their time at school or at a youth-themed event.